Your letter from God is here...
Please accept this extravagant gift of life that I'm offering you (Romans 5:17-21). Come in Me and you will find that I am gentle and humble (Matthew 11:29). I am merciful, slow to anger, and full of grace (Psalm 145:8). My heart beats wildly everytime you look My direction (Solomon 4:9). Follow Me and I will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4) because I am passionately in love with you (Psalm 45:11).
Nothing, absolutely nothing can change My love for you (Romans 8:38-39). Trust in Me and I will help you (Romans 10:11). I'll welcome you with open arms (Mark 10:16), and I will meet all of your needs (Philippians 4:19). I will love you all day and sing songs to you at night (Psalm 42:8). You mean the world to Me, and My love for you knows no limits (John 3:16).
Let Me live in your heart and I'll breathe new life into you (Romans 8:11). Just invite Me in and all of heaven will celebrate (Luke 15:7). I'll be with you every day of your life (Matthew 28:20) and fill you with hope (Romans 15:13). I gave up what I loved most to win your love (Romans 8:32) and I've waited an eternity for you (Ephesians 1:11). If you believe Me, I will save you (Romans 1:16). I will come to you riding on a white horse (Revelation 19:11) and I will be your champion (Jeremiah 20:11).
I am Jesus, the Lover of your soul.
Jesus, your the lover of my soul...
Jesus, I will never let you go...
You've taken me from miry clay,
and set my feet upon the rock
and now I know....
I love you.......
I need you.......
And though my world will fall I will never let you go.
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