Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Habit of Serving

There's an old saying that goes, "He who is rowing doesn't have time to rock the boat."

On Monday night a group of 17 from CoHo converged down at the Mustard Seed and served up supper for 400 inner-city residents. They went through 12 hams, and 200 pounds of potatoes, not to mention fruits and other goodies.

Brian & Danny, two guys with real big hearts, got the effort rolling and a whole lot of others joined in to help. What a great, selfless effort. There's no reward for serving, except knowing that with God's help our actions line up with our beliefs. Sounds like the definition of integrity right there.

The Man Who Delivers the Goods
There is a man in the world who never gets turned down,
Wherever he chances to stray.
He gets the glad hand in the populous town,
Or out where the farmers make hay;
He is greeted with pleasure on deserts of sands,
And deep in the isles of the woods;
Wherever he goes there is a welcoming hand—
He's the man who delivers the goods.

Danny and Brian and the other 15 from Monday night fit that bill for sure.

"I never knew a man that was good at making excuses who was good at anything else." Benjamin Franklin

Thanks for everyone at CoHo and the constructive spirit of discontent that leads us to the forefront of serving others because Jesus would do it, too!

That's faith that works in real life.

Lord, as I grow older, I think I would rather be known as …
-thoughtful, rather than gifted,
-loving, versus quick or bright,
-gentle, over being powerful,
-a listener, more than a great communicator,
-available, rather than a hard worker,
-sacrificial, instead of successful,
-reliable, not famous,
-content, more than driven,-
self-controlled, rather than exciting,
-generous, instead of rich,
-and compassionate, more than competent,
I want to be a foot-washer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it was a great honor to serve at the mustard seed, the people were genuine and real. We had 17 great people from COHO from age 12 to 60 that had a great experience. We will do it again in the summer in August. I feel this should be the purpose of a church - to serve. If you do it to the least of my brothers, you have done it unto me. Thanks everyone who came out, Bless You All Bonkoman

8:49 PM  

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